A Heart After God Respects Others

Mar 15, 2020    David Spares Saul’s Life (1 Samuel 18:1-16, 22:1-5, 24:1-22)

Ask Your Kids:
David knew that God had promised to make him king, so David could have killed Saul and become king right away. But did David kill Saul? (No) That’s right! David didn’t kill Saul. Instead, David showed respect by trusting that God would make him king one day and by being kind to King Saul while he waited to become king. Just like David, we can be kind and have hearts that respect others, too!

Need To Know:
A Heart (pat heart)
After God (point up)
Respects Others (shake hands with neighbor)

Memory Verse:
“The Lord does not (shake head “no”)
look at the things people look at. (cup hands over eyes)
People look at the outside of a person. (pat head)
But the Lord looks at what is in the heart.” (pat hand over heart)
1 Samuel 16:7 (make book with hands)