A Heart After God Is Brave
Mar 8, 2020 • David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)
Ask Your Kids:
Did David trust that God was going to take care of him? (Yes) David knew he had no reason to be afraid because God was with him. Just like David, when we feel afraid, we can be brave. We can trust that God is with us and will take care of us!
Need To Know:
A Heart (pat heart)
After God (point up)
Is Brave (put fists on hips)
Memory Verse:
“The Lord does not (shake head “no”)
look at the things people look at. (cup hands over eyes)
People look at the outside of a person. (pat head)
But the Lord looks at what is in the heart.” (pat hand over heart)
1 Samuel 16:7 (make book with hands)